Valerie Harding on Falmouth Heights
"In the winter when those hotels were closed up, as kids you'd run across the veranda and it looked very ghostly inside. With the table still set up, you know, with salt and pepper still on the table [...] there was not a light on in any house down there."
Valerie Harding traces the development history of Falmouth Heights, with Troy Clarkson. This oral history was recorded on May 20, 2022 at Falmouth Community Television.
Ready to learn more? Explore our community resources:
- The Book of Falmouth: a Tricentennial Celebration, 1686-1986, edited by Mary Lou Smith
- The History of Falmouth Heights through the Years, Kevin F. Smith
From the Web:
- FPL Historic Postcard Collection: The Anita Gunning and Robert C. Hunt Postcard collections, archived on the Digital Commonwealth. Search by topic, location, or the card identifiers provided in the video transcript below.
From the Falmouth Enterprise archive:
- "2 Teachers Buy Heights Hotel," 8/31/1956 (pg.1)
- "Flotsam and Jetsam..." [on the name of Lake Leaman], 3/17/1950 (pg.10)
- "Land Court Decision Preserves Tower Hotel Park For Town," 4/14/1961 (pg.1-2)