Browse Exhibits (7 total)
Falmouth at Home

Falmouth at Home is a collection of photographs taken by the Falmouth community that documents how we spent our days while staying close to home during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Click on the categories on the right to visit and comment upon the photographs.
Postcards from Falmouth: Notes on Falmouth History

Based on postcards from the Falmouth Public Library's Historical Postcard Collection, Notes on Falmouth History features brief historical excerpts on various locations and landmarks found among the resources in the Library's Local History Collection.
Find out about: Falmouth's First Post Office, Main Street, North Falmouth Tea Rooms, Lawrence's Sandwich Depot, Teaticket Inn, Camp Cowasset, East End Meeting House, Falmouth Playhouse, Falmouth Village, Main Street
Most of the notes' sources are from The Falmouth Enterprise Archives, The Book of Falmouth, Legendary Locals of Falmouth Massachusetts.
"Postcards from Falmouth" is a Library Services Technology Act grant, administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners [MBLC], with the express goal to collect and digitally preserve local history resources and add them to the historical record.
Oral Histories of Falmouth

Welcome to the Postcards from Falmouth oral history collection!
This is a set of oral histories inspired by the Library's extensive collection of historical postcards of Falmouth. By inviting local oral historians to share their stories and recollections of the landmarks and locations depicted on the cards, our goal is to preserve and celebrate our town's history.
Watch the videos, read the transcripts, and explore the community resources we've gathered on each exhibit page. Feel free to click on the postcards and add your recollections in the comment area, too.
Want to see highlights from the collection? Follow the Library on Facebook and Instagram (@postcardsfromfalmouth).
Postcards from Falmouth is a local history project made possible by a Library Services Technology Act grant administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Postcards From Falmouth Programs and Presentations

In case you missed the Postcards from Falmouth Zoom programs, click on the right to view them anytime.
Author Talks
Gus Widmayer discusses his book, A Gentleman's Guide to the Belvidere Plain in Falmouth, Massachusetts.
Mary Martin discusses her book, A Guide Book of Collectible Postcards.
Tom Turkington discusses his memoir, Before I Forget : A Boyhood of Little Drama.
Chris Setterlund discusses several of his books on the history of local landmarks.
Paul Clerici discusses his book, A History of the Falmouth Road Race : Running Cape Cod.
Writing Workshops
Led by Jamie Cat Callan, participants read their original works based upon the Librarys' collection of historic postcards.
Postcards from Falmouth is made possible by a Library Services Technology Act grant administered by the Massachusetts Board of Library Commissioners.
Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Past

This digital exhibit showcases the collected art, poetry, and postcards of Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Past, a 2023 project led by Calliope Poetry for Community. It follows the approach of Wish You Were Here's original, in-person exhibit at Falmouth Museums on the Green, with community works displayed alongside the postcard images that inspired them.
Curator's Statement from Calliope Poetry for Community:
In 2023 Calliope Poetry for Community extended an invitation to the public to immerse themselves in the images and messages carefully preserved within the Falmouth Public Library's collection of postcards. These postcards, dating back to the early 1900s, offer us glimpses into the town's history, portraying the various villages of Falmouth in bygone eras.
They serve as our very own time machines, transporting us to the past and allowing us to reconnect with the individuals who penned those messages long ago. With each card comes a unique story, a reflection of a moment frozen in time, complete with the personalities, quirks, and humor of the people who once called Falmouth home.
The heart of this project, Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Past, lies in the ability of our literary and visual artists to draw inspiration from these postcards, breathing new life into their stories. They have taken on the incredible task of not only reflecting on but also reimagining the images and messages contained within these postcards. In doing so, they have created a bridge between the past and present, enabling us to witness the fascinating contrast between the Falmouth of yesteryears and the Falmouth we know today.
Calliope Poetry expresses its appreciation to each contributor to its project, Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Past.
Through their creativity, we are reminded of the enduring character that defines our cherished town.
Kathy Andrews • Julie Bogosian • Mary Boylan• Kathleen Casey • Mark Chester • Nancy Cherico • Meg Costello • Lisa Willow Dunn • Sally Fine • Diane Hanna • Ilene Karnow • Micheal Klehm • Alice Kociemba • Leslie Lichtenstein • Jim McIlvain • Miriam O’Neal • Marie Palmer • Scott Peterson • Laura Puopolo • Hilton Railey • Claudine Reilly • Paul Rifkin • Marilyn Rowland • Lisa Jo Rudy • Robin Smith-Johnson • Milt Williamson • Rich Youmans • Catherine Miron Youngstrom • Ron Zweig
Calliope Poetry wishes to thank the Falmouth Public Library (Phoebe Acheson, Kim DeWall, Anna Lee); Falmouth Historical Society (Meg Costello, Rachel Lovett); Falmouth Senior Center (Jill Bishop, Marie Palmer); West Falmouth Library (Suzy Bergmann); photographers, Kathleen Casey and Mark Chester, Kelley Souza (New Wave Printing), and poet, Rich Youmans for their support of this project.
Wish You Were Here: Postcards from the Past was made possible through a generous grant from the Falmouth Cultural Council, which is supported by the Mass Cultural Council, the Town of Falmouth and the Falmouth ArtMarket.
Library of Things

Explore Falmouth Public Library's Library of Things, a circulating collection of useful tools, toys, and technology.