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East End Meeting House


The East End Meeting House was the topic for the first Postcards from Falmouth oral history recording at FCTV. Troy Clarkson interviewed Rabbi Elias Lieberman, who shared a wonderful history of the Meeting House and the Falmouth Jewish Congregation.

For instance, did you know that the East Congregational Religious Society, original owners of the Meeting House, gifted it to the Falmouth Jewish Congregation? Rabbi Lieberman further describes that "the East End Meeting House was conveyed as a gift to the Falmouth Jewish Congregation in 1982, not 1964. Our Shoah (Holocaust) Torah scroll was not purchased; it is on permanent loan to our congregation from the Westminster Memorial Scrolls Trust. A generous donation from the Church of the Messiah helped with the costs of bringing the scroll from England to Falmouth."

What a nice way for the Falmouth community to support each other!

The oral histories are part of the Postcards from Falmout grant. The recordings are on-going and will be available for viewing next year. Contact us for more information.

East End Meeting House