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  • Tags: bookshelves

I have a longtime friend who used to be an editor at The Library of America. Thus, I have a shelf that is almost entirely dedicated to LOA volumes. If you have never read anything by William Maxwell, do so! At least read TIME WILL DARKEN IT. (Not…

Which you would never know from looking at the stacks of books in my house that are NOT on bookshelves!

Here are another couple of shelves of books. If you look closely you’ll see quite a few books by Maira Kalman, and if you look even closer you’ll see a series of books about the Stettheimer sisters. Reynolds Price sits not far from John Cheever,…

The Making of Americans: being a history of a family’s progress is an astonishing book, and it is also a very, very long book. Gertrude Stein should be on every college & university reading list, and I have no idea why she is not. And, as an aside,…

I'm not great at following recipes, but I do love to browse cookbooks looking for inspiration. Some of these are new(ish) acquisitions, other's I've had since the early 1980s.
My shelf space is limited, so at this point when I acquire a new…

You might notice that my bookshelves do not only shelve books. There is an airplane, the box with the remains of our beloved cat Jane, some artwork from a friend that we haven’t hung up yet, and some unidentified stuffed toy. Bookshelves in our house…

The few books from my youth that I have hung onto.
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