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Good Things from the Library
Happily, I got most of these from the public library a day or two before they closed. Now I am gratefully accepting temporary donations from friends.
Tags: audiobooks, books, library materials
Zen and Tonic
This is my favorite selection of books - I love everything about plants and what you can do with them.
Tags: books, bookshelves, plants
I'm not great at following recipes, but I do love to browse cookbooks looking for inspiration. Some of these are new(ish) acquisitions, other's I've had since the early 1980s.
My shelf space is limited, so at this point when I acquire a new…
My shelf space is limited, so at this point when I acquire a new…
Tags: books, bookshelves, cookbooks
The Making of Americans: being a history of a family’s progress is an astonishing book, and it is also a very, very long book. Gertrude Stein should be on every college & university reading list, and I have no idea why she is not. And, as an aside,…
Tags: books, bookshelves
You know you have the time now … read Proust! And if Proust seems too overwhelming … read Thirkell!
Tags: books, bookshelves
Library of America
I have a longtime friend who used to be an editor at The Library of America. Thus, I have a shelf that is almost entirely dedicated to LOA volumes. If you have never read anything by William Maxwell, do so! At least read TIME WILL DARKEN IT. (Not…
Tags: books, bookshelves, Library of America
Infinite jest
Here are another couple of shelves of books. If you look closely you’ll see quite a few books by Maira Kalman, and if you look even closer you’ll see a series of books about the Stettheimer sisters. Reynolds Price sits not far from John Cheever,…
Tags: books, bookshelves
Less is More
Which you would never know from looking at the stacks of books in my house that are NOT on bookshelves!
Tags: books, bookshelves