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Tags: 2011, Adrienne Latimer, book review, David Polansky, Donna Burgess, Falmouth Reads Together (What's Falmouth Reading), FFPL, FFPL election, FFPL newsletter, film review, FPL children's programming, Joy of Learning, Lenny Miele, Marilyn Sanborn, Rachel Carson, Secretariat, Silent Spring, Waiting for Superman
Tags: 2008, book review, FFPL, FFPL election, FFPL newsletter, FFPL spending, FPL children's programming, FPL Foundation, FPL renovation, Greater Falmouth Community Chorus, Greater Falmouth Mostly All-Male Men's Chorus, Hilde Rosenthal, Jacob Welsberg, John Yankee, Joy of Learning, Kindle, Marilyn Sanborn, Robert O'Toole, The Bush Tragedy
Tags: 1999, book review, book sale, Diana Geigis, FFPL, FFPL newsletter, FPL Board of Trustees, FPL children's programming, FPL Summer Reading Program, Fran Roderick, Joy of Learning, Kathy Mortenson, Lynne Lindley, Marilyn Sanborn, Market Bookshop, Nancy Serotkin, Phyllis Eastwood, Ruth McLaughlin, Tammy Amon
Tags: 2014, Amazon, book review, Doc Martin, Downton Abbey, FFPL, FFPL newsletter, FPL children's programming, Ian McNiece, Iceland, Joy of Learning, Kathleen Murray, Kim DeWall, Laura Ford, Lenny Miele, Marilyn Sanborn, Nancy English, Technical Services, tv review
Tags: 2012, book sale, Early Childhood Resource Center, Faith Lee, FFPL, FFPL newsletter, Fiction Book Club, FPL children's programming, Jane Hewitt, Janet Theroux, Joy of Learning, Kathleen Murray, Kim DeWall, Laura Ford, Leslie Morrissey, Linda Collins, Liz Farland, Lynne Carreiro, Marilyn Sanborn, Narrative Nonfiction Book Club, opera, Richard Wagner, The Ring Cycle, Yellowstone National Park
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