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Tags: 1884, 1899, 1921, 1938, 1944, 1980, Arm and Hammer, Barbara Kanellopoulos, Belvidere Plain, Camp Edwards, Cape Cod Apartments, Column Terrace, Coonamessett Inn, Dwight Estate, Elm Road, Falmouth Harbor, Falmouth Main Street, Gifford Street, Grover Cleveland, Harding, Homeport, hurricane, John Dwight, Leland, Locust Street, Mill Road, Minot, Old Stone Dock, oral history, Postcards from Falmouth, Richard Olney, Saint Patrick's Church, Salt Pond, Salt Pond Road, Siders Pond, Spalding, Swift (family), transcript, Trotting Park, William Swift, Woods Hole Golf Club
Tags: 1870, Barbara Kanellopoulos, Belvidere Plain, Boston Braves, Boston Red Sox, Cape Cod Baseball League, casino, Casino By the Sea, Clinton Avenue, East Falmouth Elementary School, Falmouth All-Stars, Falmouth Falcons, Falmouth Heights, Falmouth Heights ballpark, Falmouth Heights Land and Wharf Company, Falmouth High School, Herbert Hoover, Kennedy, Lawrence White, oral history, Phil White, Postcards from Falmouth, Richard Kendall, Robert Kendall, Roche Pires, Rusty Robbins, Shore Street, Surf Drive, transcript, University of Massachusetts, Walker Street, Willard Boyden, William Swift
Tags: 1749, 1779, 1805, 1814, 1815, 1817, 1908, 1938, American Civil War, American Revolution, Barbara Kanellopoulos, Barnstable, bathhouse, Book of Falmouth, Clinton Avenue, Consider Hatch, Cuttyhunk, Deacon's Pond, Elijah Swift, Elm Road, Fall River, Falmouth, Falmouth granite, Falmouth Harbor, Falmouth Main Street, Falmouth Village Green, Flying Bridge, gale, Hatch, hurricane, James Crossen, Kevin Doyle, Locust Street, Martha's Vineyard, Mill Road, Nantucket, Nauset, New Bedford, New York, Old Burying Ground, Old Stone Dock, Old Stone Dock Association, oral history, Plymouth, Plymouth Rock, postcard collection, Postcards from Falmouth, Robert C. Hunt Jr., Salt Pond, Sarah Herrick, Shore Street, Siders Pond, Steamship Authority, Surf Drive Beach, Swift (family), transcript, Vineyard Sound, Wampanoag, War of 1812, whaling, William Swift, Woods Hole
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