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Menauhant, by Barbara Goodfellow Lunn
Surf Drive Beach, by Colleen DiGregorio
Early Morning on Woodneck, by Alison Thornton
Falmouth Heights Beach from Afar, by Kristin Gerlach
Stoney Beach, by Jill Erickson
Chapaquoit Beach: Children and Yellow Dog, by Jeanne Lohnes
Falmouth Heights Beach, by Nan and Al Gagne
Happy Place, by K. Smith
Old Silver Sunset, by Gunjan Laborde
Jenkins Pond from My Front Porch, by Janet Lauer
Surf Drive, by Lisa Jo Rudy
Beach House, by Lisa Jo Rudy
Shells, by Lisa Jo Rudy
Calm Day, by Lisa Jo Rudy
Sunset at Megansett, by Linda Karmen